Orford Music

Where Culture and Nature Are One

Sources: Source: Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec

Young Music Students

The Orford Centre for the Arts, now called Orford Music, was created as a venue to learn and promote classical music. 

Source: Orford Music

Young Artists Performing

The concert hall allows young musicians to perform in front of an audience

Source: Orford Music

Orford Music

What strange architecture, you say! Stop and listen… for beyond the walls of these white, concrete, modern-looking buildings dwells another universe, that of Orford Music.

In 1951, violinist Gilles Lefebvre travelled to Europe, where he saw how the love of music inspired hope and reconciliation amongst a generation traumatized by the Second World War. Upon his return, he decided to share this love of music by founding the Orford Centre for the Arts in this very spot. The Centre was renamed Orford Music a few years ago.

In the first summer, the Centre welcomed ten students who were lodged… in tents! Over the years, the Centre’s location gained in popularity and its programs expanded. In 1960 were built the concert hall, magnificent art gallery, dormitories, reception hall and restaurant that you see today.

Nestled in the heart of Mont-Orford National Park, this internationally recognized institution welcomes more than 450 students every summer, who come to study and perform with the great masters. Each year, hundreds of spectators attend the many concerts and take part in the Orford Music festival.

Fostering and sharing the love of music has proven to be a successful bet. 

Here, even the wind is symphonic!



Extract of
Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships

Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships image circuit

Presented by : Action Memphrémagog Ouest
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