Time for a Pause on the Route Verte

La Montagnarde

Sources: Source: Municipality of Eastman

On the road…

Taking one step after the other, toward oneself…

Source: Chlorophyle


Coming face to face with oneself …

Source: Sepaq

Time for a Pause on the Route Verte

You are now entering Mont-Orford National Park, the calm, intimate natural space that makes up the next 12 km of your journey, on a segment of the Route verte trail called La Montagnarde. You may not even encounter anyone…

Stop for a few moments. Take time to recenter yourself, feel your body, feel your soul. Become aware of your surroundings.

By undertaking this journey in a quest for new external and internal landscapes, you have chosen to test your body and mind. Be humble as you encounter the physical limits or mental hurdles that might arise.

You know that this repetitious movement of putting one foot in front of the other can be transformative, that it can generate physiological and psychological benefits and that it is, also, a premise for embracing something higher…

Bask in these soothing, stabilizing sensations and take full advantage of these solitary moments. 

Enjoy your long walk!

Extract of
Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships

Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships image circuit

Presented by : Action Memphrémagog Ouest
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