The Tranquil Village of Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton

The village

Sources: Municipality of Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton

Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton Church

A gathering of citizens in front of the Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton church, circa 1882

Source: Municipality of Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton

In the Heart of the Village

The creamery, general store and post office, circa 1930.

Source: Municipality of Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton

The Tranquil Village of Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton

You are now in front of the Town Hall of Saint-Étienne-de-Bolton, a small, quaint village nestled between Mts. Saint-Étienne, Gauvin and Foster, and bounded by Lake Libby and Lake Trousers.

The municipal office in front of you was built in 1946 and has always contributed to the sense of community amongst its citizens. Over the years, it was used as a sports and recreation facility, a library, social housing, an internet café and even as a home for the electricity cooperative. It was cleaned, renovated and modernized in 2012 without losing any of its period charm. 

Look to your right: you see the pretty little church built by the village’s inhabitants between 1874 and 1877 and, further to the right, the presbytery. Built at the end of the 19th century, it was first used as a workshop and storefront for the village’s cartwright, who built and repaired the carriages and wagons. 

Now look behind you: In the 1930s, the three houses that you see sheltered a creamery, a general store and a post office. Today, these services are all found in the Coop du Grand-Bois, a solidarity cooperative founded by local residents in 2011.

Why not retrace your steps and stop at this friendly village café to have a snack and recharge your batteries before continuing on your journey?

Extract of
Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships

Circuit de l'Abbaye - Eastern Townships image circuit

Presented by : Action Memphrémagog Ouest
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