Village entrance


Mural by Remie Genest and Lucie Tettamente

Eugène de Mazenod, OMI, far left, founded the Oblates in Aix-en-Provence, France in 1826. Oblates were priests dedicated to missionary work and helping the poor by being part of their everyday lives. Bishop Vital Grandin, OMI, served all of northern Alberta. Father Albert Lacombe, OMI, assisted the Transcontinental Railway to cross Western Canada in 1883. Blessed Brother Antoine Kowalczyk, OMI, served many years at the francophone boys’ residential school at Edmonton’s St. Jean College (red building) in the 40s and 50s. In the center, we see St. Albert, Alberta, at its very beginning.

Irish Immigration

Mural by Colette Bachand, Olivia Imbrogno and Rory Turner

Irish Immigration began when potatoes, their staple crop, became diseased. The Irish fled to many places including Canada, but one quarter to one half of all immigrants did not make it to their destination. They arrived at Grosse île, where priests and nurses would try to heal the sick. Children who were orphaned were then cared for by the church. Hospitable French families adopted them and gave them a second chance at life. 

Louis Riel

Mural by Sister Suzane Baron

Louis Riel led the resistance of the Métis and homesteaders against the federal government. The government was building a railroad on farmers’ land without their permission. In this mural, we see the portrait of his friend Gabriel Dumont, his mother Marie-Anne Gaboury, and himself at the center. In the bottom left corner, we see the flames representing the decision to hang him which then changes to blood and later flowers.


Mural by Marc and Daniel Michaud

Émile, his wife Lumina, and their son, were the fifth family to live in Legal. He built a log cabin next to what is now Main Street where he established himself as Legal’s first cobbler. In the mural, Émile imparts his life experience and cobbling trade to his son, Adrien. At the bottom of the mural we see Émile and his wife Aline, who he married in 1928.  They stand by their modest vehicle and home (circa 1917).

Abbot Morin

Mural by Shoko César

Attracted by abbe Morin's ad of low prices farms in Alberta, 620 families arrived in the area between 1891 and 1899. Coming from Quebec, the United States or even from Europe, they all used the transportation modes available. Without telephone or other mean of communication, near 2500 francophones installed themselves in the area of Edmonton at the end of the years 1800, hoping for a better future. 


Mural by Shoko César

What?! There are French-speaking Canadians in the West?! On the right are the francophone institutions that make up part of the ACFA’s (the French-Canadian Association of Alberta) history. The left side of the mural shows activities supported by the ACFA, which augment Franco-Albertan vitality.  In the center is a gathering of people for their annual meeting.

Extract of
Murals of Legal

Murals of Legal image circuit

Presented by : Société touristique Centralta

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