Bélisle Houses & Garage

1688 Landry Street

Jules Bélisle’s shop, built behind the house.

1688 Landry Street

Ermile Bélisle’s first garage, built where the new garage is currently located.

1688 Landry Street

The second Bélisle garage.

1688 Landry Street

The inside of the second Bélisle garage.

1682 Landry Street

1682 Landry Street

Bélisle Houses and Garage

These buildings are considered local historic sites given their commercial purpose and their former owners.

A) Jules Bélisle House, 1694 Landry Street

Around 1882, Jules Bélisle left Saint-Augustin, Quebec with his wife Mercedes Dion to move to Clarence Creek and become a blacksmith. They moved into a small home that was eventually demolished to build a more spacious home around 1910.
built his workshop behind his home, at the bottom of the hill. He opened an assembly and sales shop for agricultural machinery across from his home at 1689 Landry Street.

B) Ermile Bélisle House, 1682 Landry Street

Jules’ son, Ermile Bélisle, built this home in 1910, where he and his wife Clara Charlebois, raised their 9 children.

Ermile also learned how to become a blacksmith and how to operate his father’s agricultural machinery shop. He built a new workshop where the garage is currently located.

c) Bélisle Garage, 1688 Landry Street

In 1926, Ermile became an authorized dealer for General Motors. In the early days, when cars arrived by train in Bourget, employees would make their way to the train station in one car to bring the new vehicles back to the dealership. Over the years, the dealership grew and relocated to Buckingham and on Montreal Road in Ottawa.

In 1957, Philippe and Rose-Aimé Lantaigne purchased the garage and home in Clarence Creek. In the Spring of 1958, a violent fire destroyed the garage. However, the fire did not spread to the residence. With the encouragement of citizens, Philippe began the construction of a new garage.

Extract of
Clarence Point & Clarence Creek's History

Clarence Point & Clarence Creek's History image circuit

Presented by : Cité de Clarence-Rockland
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