Albert H. Robinson painted Cacouna in 1921
A.H. Robinson painted «Returning from Easter Mass» in 1921.
Easter was on Marsh 27th that year and the snow had not yet melted. In his memoirs, Robinson’s friend, painter A.Y. Jackson, recalls their visit in Cacouna.
«The village was a very picturesque place, piled up with snow, with a fine old parish church, and, across the river, the bold line of hills on the north shore around Tadoussac. It was here that Robinson made the sketch for his painting Return from Easter Mass. The villagers could not understand why we painted old houses and barns and were surprised that we were not interested in the Château Allan, a large summer house that belonged to the Allans of Montreal. This was the first time I painted in the French part of Quebec; I was to continue going back there for many years.»
(From : «A Painter's Country; The Autobiography of A.Y. Jackson», Memorial Edition, Clarke, Irwin & Co Ltd, Canada, 1976)
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To see A. H. Robinson’s painting Returning from Easter Mass, 1921, click on the link: