The Extended Tour

The Extended Tour

Jump in the water resort phenomenon of the second half of the 19th century!  Discover how our inhabitants adapted their lifestyle to the flow of visitors. Unveil many secrets by observing the built heritage of «The Extended Tour» beginning at St. James the Apostle Church, a two kilometers walk through this part of Cacouna that stretches along the wooded bluff above the St. Lawrence River.

This tour is a part of the Heritage Walk, including three other tours : «The Short Tour», «Maritime Cacouna and its Old Hamlets», and «Following in the Steps of Nelligan».  The last two are currently in production.

Christine Belliveau, Lynda Dionne, Marimaud Morin-Dupras and Yvan Roy

Lynda Dionne and Georges Pelletier

Diana Cline and Kathryn Lawson
Hoff & Fortier
Rachel Tunnicliffe

Karine Boutin, Gérald Dionne et Marimaud Morin-Dupras, agents de développement

Conférence régionale des Élus du Bas-Saint-Laurent
Caisse Populaire de Viger et Villeray
Fonds d'initiatives culturelles de la MRC de Rivière-du-Loup
Pacte rural de la MRC de Rivière-du-Loup
Municipalité de Cacouna
Corporation de développement de Cacouna


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Based on the distance as the crow flies


The Extended Tour