Presented by
Corporation de développement de CacounaBordering the St. Lawrence River, the lands of Kakouna (Kakoua Nak – home of the porcupine), were frequented and then inhabited by Aboriginal, Acadian, French, Scottish, and Irish people … Wandering through the 30 km of its neighbourhoods Rivière-des-Vases, Bord-de-l’eau, Isle de Cacona, Fontaine Claire and Anse au Persil, you will understand how the proximity of the river has shaped this village and its inhabitants for nearly three centuries. A journey through time and space … Along this coastal trail, you will experience the beauty and richness of this natural environment.
Welcome to the Didace Quay (Cacouna-Est) and the Quay of la rivière des Vases where we shall dock to begin our adventure.
This tour is a part of the Heritage Walk, including also : «The Short Tour», «The Extended Tour», and «Following in the Steps of Nelligan».
Christine Belliveau, Lynda Dionne, Marimaud Morin-Dupras and Yvan Roy
Writers Lynda Dionne and Georges Pelletier, and Yvan Roy
Diana Cline and Kathryn Lawson
Hoff & Fortier
Rachel Tunnicliffe
Karine Boutin, Gérald Dionne et Marimaud Morin-Dupras, agents de développement.
When not otherwise specified under SOURCES for each point of interest, the texts of this circuit have been adapted from various local works by Lynda Dionne and Georges Pelletier: the interpretative panels of the Maritime Cacouna Circuit; their publications «Découvrir Cacouna et ses lieux-dits» (Éditions EPIK 2008/2012), and «Commerce et Villégiature à Cacouna aux 19e et 20e siècles» (Éditions EPIK 2011); and their local historical records published in the local Journal EPIK between 1997 and 2007.
Conférence régionale des Élus du Bas-Saint-Laurent
Caisse Populaire de Viger et Villeray
Fonds d’initiatives culturelles de la MRC de Rivière-du-Loup
Pacte rural de la MRC de Rivière-du-Loup
Municipalité de Cacouna
Corporation de développement de Cacouna
Maritime Cacouna and its Old Hamlets