Post office

Post office

The station in Arundel dates from   1925 and is one of the last remaining examples of an authentic railway building in the region. Most of the others have disappeared or been rebuilt, while in this case the structure has retained a good deal of its original architectural characteristics. The station was built originally further south of the present site, at the intersection of Chemin de la Rouge and Route 364. It was moved to its present site in July 1986. It was onJuly 4th  of the following year that it was given its official function as the local post office, which it retains to this day (source: Bergeron-Gagnon Inc., heritage inventory of the Laurentides RMC, 2013).


In front of the station is a draisine (or handcar) mounted on a section of track rebuilt for the purpose of creating something of the atmosphere of old railroad days. The term draisine refers to any small autonomous vehicle designed to transport workers along various parts of the railroad. The model in front of us here dates from about 1890 and was used by maintenance crews working on the Canadian National Railroad.

Extract of
Once Upon a Time in the Western Laurentians

Once Upon a Time in the Western Laurentians image circuit

Presented by : MRC des Laurentides
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