William Chapman

William Chapman

Poet, journalist, public servant, bookseller,and translator, William Chapman (1850-1917) was born in Saint-François-de-Beauce and spent his childhood in the house located at 277 Lambert Avenue. William Chapman was the first renown author from the Beauce area, a literary pioneer from the area.

Source: The Canadian Album

Literary Man

This memorial plaque was affixed in 1941 on his parents' house by the Syndicat d'initiative de Beauce-Frontenac. He won a prize from the French Academy for his work ""Les Aspirations de Chapman"" in 1904.

Source: Archives from the Beauceville Cultural and Heritage Committee (2016)

Ode to Beauce

Still in 1941, to mark the 25th anniversary of his death, the Ode to Beauce was played, showcasing Chapman's ""La Beauce"" poem, set to music by Jean-Oram Lachance.

Source: Syndicat d'initiative Beauce-Frontnac, 1941 (La Beauce de William Chapman et Jean-Oram Lachance, Hommage aux artistes et artisans. Beauceville Cultural and Heritage Committee, André Garant, 2009, p. 10 

L'hymne à la Beauce, par la Famille Laplante-Duval

Extract of
Beauceville | MRC Beauce Centre Heritage Tour

Beauceville | MRC Beauce Centre Heritage Tour image circuit

Presented by : Ville de Beauceville
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