Police Officer

A Necessity

In the early 1900s, there was a lot of action at the Tring-Jonction station, even before the construction of the 1914 station. A call to order was given to hotels so that there would be no disorder or scandal. A police officer was hired by St-Frédéric. At the time, Tring-Jonction did not actually exist yet. The police officer's equipment consisted in a revolver with cartridges, 2 pairs of handcuffs, a badge and a police bat. In 1920, all this equipment was sold to the new municipality of Tring-Jonction. A total of 10 constables followed one another. The last one was Mr. Henri-Paul Paré. The position was abolished in 1970. From now on, the SQ police force from St-Joseph serves our municipality.

Source: Henri-Paul Paré Fund

Extract of
Tring-Jonction | MRC Beauce-Centre Heritage Tour

Tring-Jonction | MRC Beauce-Centre Heritage Tour image circuit

Presented by : Municipalité de Tring-Jonction
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