Maison Ernest-Séraphin Mathieu

Audio content - Maison Ernest-Séraphin Mathieu

Presentation of Maison Ernest-Séraphin Mathieu

Ernest-Seraphin Mathieu is an important character in Vieux-Terrebonne’s history, having been the twelfth mayor from 1905 to 1916, but also for the many developments that are attributed to him. Born December 2nd, 1861 in Lachenaie, Ernest Seraphin comes from a family of prominent citizens of the region. In 1887, after undertaking classical studies with the Sulpiciens of the Montreal College, followed by law studies at Laval University on the Montreal campus, he returns to his region and moves to Terrebonne as notary for the city.

The following year he is appointed Terrebonne’s secretary-treasurer and becomes president of the school board for ten years. He also acts as a lender for Terrebonne citizens, then become manager of the local branch of the Provincial Bank.

He is also the founder of the Compagnie d'éclairage électrique de Terrebonne, of the Globe Shoe factory located on Chapleau Street which unfortunately went bankrupt after a few years, President of the Club de Terrebonne, and a member of the Canadian Club of Montreal, in addition to devoting himself to several social and philanthropic causes.

In 1890, he married Marie Leblanc with whom he will have ten children, of whom only two will reach adulthood. Although he works in several different fields, the law remains his core business until the end of his days.

The house style is Neo-Queen Anne (Victorian inspiration) and it was built around 1907. The imposing architecture of the house and its proximity to the church demonstrate the very high social rank of the original owner.

Question #16


1) The construction of the iron bridge on Chapleau.
2) The first city library.
3) The construction of the iron water duct.
4) The Terrebonnoscope construction and management.

Answer and explanation - Question #16

1) The construction of the iron bridge on Chapleau.

In 1906, the City Council under Mayor Ernest-S. Mathieu began construction of an iron bridge. Before, the bridge had been built out of wood, and therefore was regularly carried away by the spring ice. The incessant reconstructions were harsh. The new iron bridge was built at the same location as the old wooden bridge, at the end of Chapleau Street. It was called Prefontaine-Prévost Bridge and launched into service in August 1907. In 2007, it is rebuilt anew.

We also owe Mayor Mathieu for the municipal electrical network, which was greatly beneficial to the whole city. A street in Terrebonne bears his name.

Extract of
The Tale of Vieux-Terrebonne

The Tale of Vieux-Terrebonne image circuit

Presented by : Tourisme des Moulins
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