Parmelee House

700 rue Western

700 rue Western – Parmelee House

‘Go West, young man,’ as they said in the 19th century: wide open spaces, fortune and adventure beckoned. Many from the region heard that call and travelled to Western Canada to seek their fortune. Among them, we can count businessman and postmaster Gardner Stevens, who lived in the Parmelee house from 1885 to 1916. After a trip to British Colombia along with Granby industrialist S.H.C. Miner in 1889, Stevens ventured into the mining industry. Miner did well, but history has no record if the adventure was as profitable for the Waterloo native.

To continue the tour: Return to the intersection at rue Mario and continue along rue Western.

Extract of
Waterloo - On our Founders' Trails

Waterloo - On our Founders' Trails image circuit

Presented by : Ville de Waterloo
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