

While a small-pox outbreak occurent at Lac Saint-Jean (Pekuakami) in 1876, Dr. Lacombe carried out a preventive vaccination and noted the numerous diseases suffered by the Pekuakamiulnuatsh. An influential physician, he recommends the opening of a hospital in Pointe-bleue and in the fall, the governement, has a one-storey building built using the community-based funds. 

From 1876 to 1894, women form the community took the role of volunteer nurses in the hospital and assisted the doctors in their weekly visits to the community. 

If many diseases, pneumonia and tuberculosis affect the people of the entire region, the establishment of a hospital in the village has certainly helped to save somewhat Pekuakamiulnuatsh. 

Nevertheless, in 1894, the federal government decided to close hospital. 

Extract of
Heritage Circuit on Ilnu’s Path

Heritage Circuit on Ilnu’s Path image circuit

Presented by : Société de développement économique Ilnu
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