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Municipalité de Saint‑JacquesSaint-Jacques is the oldest municipality of the RCM of Montcalm. Founded in 1774 by about thirty Acadian families, Saint-Jacques has a current population of more than 4000 people. The Acadian spirit stays well alive here.
The majority of the municipality’s residents operate successful agricultural businesses, from dairy to mink farms, and from the vegetable crops to the pork industry, as well as maple groves for additional income. Over the years, an industrial era has come in Saint-Jacques with its various industries and plants. All of our services are gathered in the heart of the village: city hall, public library, church (which is worth a visit for its magnificence and harmonious lines), elementary schools, private high school, seniors’ home, low-cost housing, and all businesses offering goods and services the residents need.
“Where we live, no mountains, no rivers, but an isolated parish, far from the river routes, and the railroads even..., offering the features of a vast, docile land.
Where we live, no mountains. Yet, surrounded by maple groves, a plateau slightly elevated on one side draws the observer’s eye. May he in fact comes from Rawdon, and may he stop by one of the first steps of the Laurentian Mountains foothill! There, he will contemplate each side of Saint-Jacques’ main artery, thirty-acre lands, bordered by clumps of trees on their edges, vestige of the primeval forest. Those fields creating contiguous rectangles alike flower beds, where the white of buckwheat flowers and the violet of clover blossoms alternate under the shadow of spectacular elms, kept for scenery and value.”
- François Lanoue
Historic circuit of Saint-Jacques | New-Acadia