Des Quinze dam

History of des Quinze dam

The Angliers dam in all its glory!

It’s in 1909 that the federal goverment built that dam at the dump of the Lac des Quinze, to regulate the flow of the water on the Ottawa River. The dam flooded the lowlands of the Lac des Quinze and the Lac Expanse that became the Lac Simard. Des Quinze Dam is one of the most important flow control works on the Ottawa River.

Photo credit: M. Pierre Contant.

The arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway and electricity in Angliers

The arrival of the CPR in Angliers and the establishment of the train station consolidates the small core of the population. It’s only in 1944, that the compagnie Northern Quebec Power decide to provide the electricity in the village of Angliers.

Construction work on the dam

A secondary dam at about 600 meters aways south-west of the actual dam, underwent major work in 2004, wich completed the closure of the tank.

In 2010, there has been work to consolidate the dikes.

In 2013, different works was realised, including the extension of the pillars towards the downstream of the dam and the installation of a new slab beams so as to slightly widen the road downstream. The repair of the bridge deck and the construction of a new granty crane and several other works were done in 2018.

The current dam

Although people have only a vague memory of the old dam made of cement and stones, the current dam, recently renovated, is of surprising beauty.

Overview of the dam flow. Raise the volume!

Text of the audio

We are in front of the magnificent dam of the Fifteen. 

Watch the water simmer and swirl, feel the freshness of the water on your skin and the sound of waves crashing in contact with the water and rocks. Isn’t that beautiful?

In 1909, the federal government built this dam at the Lac des Quinze to regulate the flow of water on the Ottawa River. The dam then floods the lowlands of Lake Quinze and Expanse Lake, which became Simard Lake. The Fifteen Dam is one of the most important flow control works on the Ottawa River.

A secondary dam about 600 metres southwest of the current dam was extensively renovated in 2004, completing the closure of the reservoir.

In 2010, there was work to consolidate the dykes.

Then in 2013, various works were carried out including the extension of the bridge pillars downstream of the dam and the installation of new beams slabs so as to slightly widen the road downstream. The bridge deck was repaired and a new gantry crane was built, along with several other works completed in 2018.

It’s time to appreciate this natural beauty, close your eyes and savour this sweet moment!

Extract of
Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour

Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour image circuit

Presented by : Le site historique T.E. Draper
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