Snack food

Snack food over time

History of the business

Aimé Jean and Francine Aumond are the first owners of the fry shack that they are moving from Guérin in 1984 and they install it at de 5A  Pionniers street. They call the business ‘’Le croûton’’. The fry shack will keep the same name for 20 years.

Over the years

They sell the fry shack in 1990 at M. Roger Boucher and Mme Suzelle Turcotte. Following a road accident of Mme Turcotte, she sees herself obliged to give up her place.

Its Mme Madeleine Racine which we affectionately call ‘’Mado’’ with the help of Mme Guylaine Brassard who take over.

And in 1995, Mme Racine officially buy the business. For the next 10 years, she is really appreciated by the population and she take great care of the fry shack until she sell the business at M. Renald Baril in 2004. 

At Karo

M. Renald Baril purchase the fry shack in 2004. A few years later, he change the name of the business and become ‘’ Chez Karo’’. M. Baril possesse this business for more than 18 years. 

Open from spring to the begining of fall, many customers stop at the fry shack to eat a poutine, fries, hamburger, pogo, hot-dogs… A collaboration with the historic site of the T.E. Draper made sure that several visitors come to enjoy a meal and vice versa several of them go to visit the museums.


At L'Gros

M. Renald Baril sell on October 31,2024 at M. André Lachance. The name of the business change for Chez L’Gros.

However, it’s M. Paul Krizmancic, Mme Isabelle Gallant and their children who will work there for the next two years. The atmosphere around the business with its lights, its playground, everything is new and well appreciated bu its customers. New items on the menu including oreo in fried breading, a real treat! The employees are smiling and proud to manage this place.

Unfortunately, as of today the business is for sale.

Let’s hope that ‘’Le croûton’’ will be reborn from it’s ashes.

At L'Gros in festive mode!

The backyard of the business.

Text of the audio

Here we are in front of the village snack bar. A few owners have succeeded each other. This one was called at the beginning: Le Croûton for 20 years, then Chez Karo and to finish Chez L'Gros.

Opened in spring, we were waiting impatiently for the opening of the Croûton around May 3 to go and enjoy a good fried or poutine filled with ketchup.

It was open until September and sometimes even until the beginning of autumn. Many customers stop at the snack bar to eat poutine, fries, burgers, pogo, hot dogs, and often they go to the foot of the Fifteen dam to enjoy the beautiful scenery while enjoying their good meals.

Extract of
Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour

Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour image circuit

Presented by : Le site historique T.E. Draper
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