Convenience store and gas station

Dépanneur du Rond Point

Village Gas Station and Convenience Store

In 2022, Angela Jean and Francis Prince acquired the Dépanneur Marie-Soleil, which is now called the Dépanneur du Rond Point. 

Since the 1950s

Everything begin at the begining of 1950 with Mr. Daniel Gibson Gagliardi who open a repair garage as well as gaz pumps. He then sells to Mr. Octave Perron in 1955.

Sold and resold!

February 12, 1962, Mr. Peluso sells to Yvan and Paul Coulombe and they will owned until 1964. Yvan sells the business to Paul Coulombe. At the same moment, Mr. Coulombe begin it’s business of sales and repairs of boat engines as well as nautical craft. In 1973, he moves his sales and repairs business to his new outfitter on the edge of the Lac des Quinze. That’s when Réal Coulombe becomes the new owner on July 27, 1973 and will be for more than 10 years.

Around 1986, the garage is closed to carry out renovations and open a convenience store, Richard Peluso carries out the work.

In 1987, Mrs Bibiane Gagnon and Marie Peluso becomes the owners.

In 1989, the convenience store is sold to Bernard Bury and Sylvie Meunier.

In 1992, the new owner is Normand Boucher. 

In 1995, François Cyr become the owner.

In 1998, Marie-Claire Bernard become the owner under the name of Dépanneur Marie-Soleil, and this, for 25 years and she decide to retire, then sell the convenience store to Angela Jean and Francis Prince, everything becomes official in 2023.

Special mentions to a dedicated employee

Serge Falardeau worked as an employee at this convenience store for over 42 years, since the age of 12. He is very appreciated, so much that some customers will make the détour to Angliers to stop and see him in passing.

Now, h works for the company Les Équipements Cardinal of the village.

Congratulation Serge for your great dedication to this beautiful business!

Text of the audio

We are currently in front of the convenience store and the village gas station.

It’s in 2022 that  Angela Jean and  Francis Prince acquired the Dépanneur Marie-Soleil who became the Dépanneur du Rond Point. This acquisition was made official on May 12, 2023. We can find different articles there inclunding :  propane, beer, drinks, snacks, gaz, fireworks, clothing, hunting and fishing gear, hardware and food. Since their acquisition, the owners hve made various renovations including : changing fuel terminals, a new entry door, the addition of a ice cream machine and more.

Although initially it was a car garage, it was the Fina gasoline company  that was sold there. After that, Pétro, Shell, Axco and now Pétroles Témis provides fuel. The convenience store has had several owners over the years.

Extract of
Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour

Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour image circuit

Presented by : Le site historique T.E. Draper
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