Grocery Marché Éclair

History of Marché

History of Marché Bérubé

This store was built in 1958 by Alcidas Poirier who then sold it to Alphonse Bérubé.

The store was inaugurated February 1st 1962 by Alphonse and Georgette Bérubé. Angliers’s priest from the time, Roger Valiquette blessedthe store at its opening. Some time before the official opening, all inventory had to be moved from one store to another, and this was done with sledges for 3-4 days.

At this time, the Marché Bérubé is the store with the largest surface area in all of Témiscamingue! We can find anything, groceries, meat counter, clothes for all the family, gifts, kitchen items, hardware, plumbing, clothing department works for manin the basement, construction materials in the back of the store.

It’s January 26 1986 que Mr. and Mrs Bérubé sell their store at Roland Lefloïc after more than 30 years of loyal services to the population.

History of Marché Normand Enr.

Normand Coulombe and Georgette Gagnon were the owners of the groceries store of the village who was called, Marché Normand avec the banner AMI from 1987 to 1999.

Georgette Gagnon et Normand Coulombe

Owners from 1987 to 1999.

Marché Léane - Marché Éclair

Léane Romain is the owner since July 1st 1999. In the back of the store, there is an appartement which has been renovated since the purchase of the business. 

With the help of her spouse Mr. Jean-Claude Bernèche, they are going to make some changes including a beer refrigerator, redo the floors and couple years later,  add a second floor to their house which is at the back of the store. They remain the owners for 25 years!

Bernèche & Fille

It’s in November 2023 that we learn that the Marché Léane will soon become Bernèche & Fille. Julie Bernèche who is the daugther of Jean-Claude decided to resume operations of the business and is already starting to make many changes including the arrangement of shelves as well as a good lick of paint. 


Interior of commerce

Mrs Romain et Mrs. Bernèche still continue to work there although they work a little less hours than before. The official change was official July 1st 2024. 

It's an excellent new for a little comunity. 

Text of the audio

Here we are in front of the grocery store, the Marché Éclair.

The store was inaugurated February 1st 1962 by Alphonse and Georgette Bérubé.

The parish priest of Angliers at the time, Roger Valiquette, blessed the store when it opened. It was subsequently sold to Roland Lefloïc on 26 January 1986.

Normand Coulombe and Georgette Gagnon owned the grocery store in the village, the Marché Normand with the AMI banner, from 1987 to 1999.

Léane Romain has been the owner since 1999. At the back of the store, there is a house that was renovated after the purchase of the shop.

In November 2023, we learn that the Marché Léane will soon become Bernèche & Fille. Julie Bernèche, the daughter of Jean-Claude, decided to take over the operations of the general store.

This is a great news for our small community!

Extract of
Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour

Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour image circuit

Presented by : Le site historique T.E. Draper
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