Fish festival

The Angliers Fish Festival, a must

From 1969 onwards

It’s in 1969 that begin the Festival du Poisson by a simple fishing tournement on the Lac des Quinze, organised by the Club des Lions of the village. Fish caught during the day in the open air were prepared using a ‘’secret’’ recipe by Aurèle Marcotte.

Birth of the Sports and Recreation Committee

The Sports and Recreation Comittee takes over and adopts a charter in 1972.

History of the Fish Festival

The great organization of the Fish Festival is derived from this. Over the years, this fishing day has been complemented by entry prizes for the best fish catches and other sporting activities including the 'pitoune' which represents hockey but is a 'boot', followed by the 'Jug curling' and bingo games. As profits became more substantial, a way of reinvesting that would benefit all had to be found. They were used to build a covered ice rink in 1985.

At these dates, the Fish Festival served more than 3,000 pounds of fish, welcomed nearly 4,000 visitors and presented several prizes for Jug Curling, Bingo and ice fishing. It is more than a hundred volunteers, who annually gave body and soul for the realization of this beautiful event. We must therefore pay tribute to all the people who participated, during all these years, in the success of the Fish Festival.

In addition to the Festival, the committee organized the omnium (volleyball tournament) in July, the Santa Claus party, the New Year’s Day party, bingo, baseball and took care of the arena during the winter.

Hoping that a committee will soon see the light of day to bring back all these beautiful festivities!

The Bar Roni team pitoune in 1990

Here are some players from pitoune d'Angliers, with the name of their team: Le Bar Roni. 

Lolotte, the mascot

Lolotte proudly walked around the event site and the children were very happy to see her!

Ice sculpture

There was a lot of ice sculpture in the village, including fish, Okeefe beer bottle, car, man carnival, ect. With the years, it became colorful fish signs.  

Text of the audio

It’s in 1969 that begin the Fish Festival by a simple fishing tournement on the Lac des Quinze, organised by the Club des Lions of the village. Fish caught during the day in the open air were prepared using a ‘’secret’’ recipe by Aurèle Marcotte.

Over the years, the festival grew in size. Several different committees took place to organize it. It takes several weeks of fishing with several fishermen to have enough fish to serve on this holiday, since at the time, they prepared their catch for serving on this weekend.


The Comité Sports et Loisirs takes over and adopts a charter in 1972.

With the success of the festival, this allows the committee to give back money to the community. In 1985, for example, the committee built the indoor ice rink in the school yard. This committee organizes several activities throughout the year including the Fish Festival volunteer party, volleyball omnium, hot air balloons, the soft ball league that brought together many people, Santa’s Holiday and also New Year’s Day.


Unfortunately, this committee was dissolved in 2020.

Hopefully the new generation will be able to start a similar committee to make the Fish Festival, which was a must for the parish for more than fifty years, reign.

Extract of
Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour

Angliers, a Landscape for History - Patrimonial Tour image circuit

Presented by : Le site historique T.E. Draper
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