

Mural by Jacques Martel

Roger and Maria Cyr were strong advocates of John Deer implements. Three of their sons followed their parents’ love of the land and became accomplished farmers.  This mural also highlights the family’s love of hockey in the top left corner, and their mom’s strong spirituality is represented by Maria Cyr holding a rosary.  Notice how the artist presented the trade mark of each child’s interest in the wood carving.


Mural by Jacques Martel

Farming for the early settlers consisted of hard work, accidents, and the occasional memorable prank.  Central to this mural is the well-maintained farm site.  In the four corners, we have the scenes of backing into a granary, children laughing as one of their cousins falls from a steer, demolition derbies, and one of the children miscalculating the Tarzan swing.  We see the family’s involvement in the erection of the local Citadelle Park and playing a friendly game of both horseshoes and cards.

Canadian Forces

Mural by Jacques Martel

In 1994, Romeo Dallaire was put in charge of the UN’s Peace Keeping Forces in Rwanda.  In the bottom left, we see oil fields burning as a reminder that there was no oil there.  Towards the left side of the mural, we see the impact of war with the children being the victims. Towards the center, Romeo Dallaire is carrying a woman off the road. The mural transitions from the brutalities of war to a new hope for the country.

Francophone Youth

Mural by Colette Bachand, Tess Cournoyer and Émilie Lusson

This mural illustrates the activities of Francophone youth in Alberta for example the Youth Parliament, the Youth Drama Festival, the Youth Francophone Games, and “La Chicane” (which is similar to a battle of the bands). The fleur-de-lis and the Alberta Wild Rose represent the Francophones of Alberta. Many of these activities are organized by the Francophone Youth of Alberta.


Mural by Karen Blanchet

This mural was painted for the Charrois Family Reunion in 2000. The family always wanted to be together, as in the mural, but were unable to all be present at a single event. It is painted like an old photograph to unite the family that could not be together. They organized group activities and sometimes huddled by the woodstove during the coldest hours, fighting off the isolation brought on by winter. Each activity in the mural represents what each family member liked the best.


Mural by Anne Maisonneuve

The Philias Maisonneuve family operated a sawmill in Rich Valley from 1910 to 1915. Quebec-Canadians had experience in logging camps, sawmills, and construction sites. Philias’s sawmill is an example of the French-Canadian role in the transition from logs to planks in Alberta. This mural depicts their sawmill in operation.

Extract of
Murals of Legal

Murals of Legal image circuit

Presented by : Société touristique Centralta
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