Catholic cemetery

The oldest cemetery of Mashteuiatsh

The Catholic cemetery is the oldest cemetery of Mashteuiatsh. The sites of current cemetery dates back to 1903, before this period, the dead were buried in front of the first chapel, moved during the winter 1874-1875.

« The cemetery was at the bottom where Davis Philippe...after that, they made the cemetery on the coast.» (Elder of Mashteuiatsh)


The site of the current cemetery was purchase from a Montagnais-Ilnu of the community. At the very beginning of the cemetery, there were onliy very simple wooden crosses and only a few funerary monuments also without great articfices. In 1977-1978, an action committee decided to undertake the redevelopment of the cemetery. This is how the stone delimitation and the ditch on the outside are built.

Human bones were discoverd in 2013 on the site of a house under construction near the Pekuakami. The age of the bones was estimated to beabout 710 years. The bones were handed over to the Mashteuiatsh community and a slemn and respecful ceremony was held on October 19, 2016 to deposit the human remains in the Catholic cemeteries under a plaque marked «Milu Aluepi».

Extract of
Heritage Circuit on Ilnu’s Path

Heritage Circuit on Ilnu’s Path image circuit

Presented by : Société de développement économique Ilnu
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